January 28, 2025
Pokémon TCG Pocket's Space-Time Smackdown set hasn't been out for long, but players have just about started to figure the new meta out. In that learning process, it has become quite apparent that Darkrai ex is this set's defining card. The very best decks in Pokémon TCG Pocket aren't possible to build without Darkrai ex. Darkrai's best companion is also probably one you wouldn't really expect, and that is Magnezone. Together, the two Pokémon create a deck that legitimately has no equal in this current meta.
Building a Darkrai ex deck isn't going to come cheap. That being said, you only need 2 ex cards, so it could be a whole lot worse. Just make sure that you're only pulling on Dialga packs to try and get your Darkrais.
Here is the card list for one specific Darkrai ex & Magnezone deck combination (Magneton is the only card that requires an older variant):
You can honestly change this deck up in so many different ways. One card you could definitely swap in is Sabrina. She is still plenty useful in this meta, and the card could easily be ran alongside Cyrus. Kangaskhan could be swapped out for another Druddigon, if you don't like how it fits in the deck. Dawn also isn't a necessity. Feel free to experiment.
Essentially, this Darkrai ex deck wants to stall for time and chip away at your opponent's health. That is the sole purpose that Druddigon serves here in this deck. Druddigon's 100 HP and its Rough Skin Ability should be able to buy you at least 3 turns, putting you in a prime position to take the initative in your match. Darkrai ex can also serve as your lead Pokémon without any problems at all since it is a Basic Pokémon.
Darkrai ex would definitely prefer to stay on the bench, if possible, but it can do chip damage with its Nightmare Aura Ability as your Active Pokémon. Nightmare Aura allows Darkrai ex to do 20 damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon any time that Darkrai receives Dark Energy from the Energy Zone. That basically translates to free damage every turn. In the process, you'll also be giving Darkrai enough Energy to use its 80 damage attack, which is often more threatening than it may seem.
Magnezone's role in all this is as the main heavy-hitter. This deck should only generate Dark Energy in the Energy Zone, so the Genetic Apex version of Magneton is a must-have card for this deck. You essentially just want Magneton to chill out on the bench for a few turns, accruing 1 Lightning Energy every turn with its Volt Charge Ability. Once ready, you can evolve it into Magnezone and wreak havoc. 110 damage from Magnezone with Darkrai's extra 20 damage off the bench will take care of most threats promptly.
In terms of Trainer cards, Cyrus will generally be the most important. That makes sense with how easily Darkrai can dish out chip damage to opposing Pokémon. Leaf is also important in the mid-game, as Druddigon and Darkrai ex both have a retreat cost of 2. Being able to reduce that to 0 obviously offers great value. The last card that has a very specific use in this deck is Giant Cape. Darkrai ex and Magnezone both have 140 HP, so Giant Cape let's them survive 150 base damage attacks.